All of us are shocked and horrified by the events that have taken place in Israel.
Israel is facing a war cast upon it by a most savage enemy, who commits barbaric atrocities against men, women and children in Israel, the likes of which we have not seen since the second world war.
Every one of us is outraged. Anyone who cares about the most basic morality, the most elementary concepts of right and wrong, is outraged.
As Jews we know that the physical and spiritual are deeply connected.
When our people are attacked, we must come together, both inside and out. First of all, by increasing in Jewish unity and Ahavat Yisrael – loving our fellow Jew – for our biggest strength and blessing comes through unity. Second by awakening the Jewish soul within, invigorating our bond with G‑d, our Creator and Protector, whose Providence is with us at every moment, by enhancing in our Torah and Mitzvot.
While the security forces answer the highest calling, risking their lives to protect the innocent, we must do our part to back them up, not only with all the material support that we can possibly send their way, but also, and especially, in the spiritual area where each one of us, no matter where we are in the world, can make a difference.
When we pray or dedicate a good deed to our brothers and sisters in Israel, we create a spiritual defense shield for them that will help them through difficult and dangerous times.